

Fog Command


迷雾在 resource_packs,/'name of pack'/,fogs 目录下的 Json 文件中设置。


迷雾 JSON 架构

version "format_version"
object "minecraft:fog_settings"
object "description"
string "identifier" // The identifier for these fog settings. The identifier must include a namespace.
object "distance" : opt // The distance fog settings for different camera locations.
object "air" : opt // The fog settings when the camera is in the air.
color "fog_color" // The color that the fog will take on.
float "fog_start" // The distance from the player that the fog will begin to appear. 'fog_start' must be less than or equal to 'fog_end'.
float "fog_end"<0.000000-*> // The distance from the player that the fog will become fully opaque. 'fog_end' must be greater than or equal to 'fog_start'.
string "render_distance_type"<"fixed", "render"> // Determines how distance value is used. Fixed distance is measured in blocks. Dynamic distance is multiplied by the current render distance.
object "transition_fog" : opt // Additional fog data which will slowly transition to the distance fog of current biome.
object "init_fog" // Initial fog that will slowly transition into water distance fog of the biome when player goes into water.
color "fog_color" // The color that the fog will take on.
float "fog_start" // The distance from the player that the fog will begin to appear. 'fog_start' must be less than or equal to 'fog_end'.
float "fog_end"<0.000000-*> // The distance from the player that the fog will become fully opaque. 'fog_end' must be greater than or equal to 'fog_start'.
string "render_distance_type"<"fixed", "render"> // Determines how distance value is used. Fixed distance is measured in blocks. Dynamic distance is multiplied by the current render distance.
float "min_percent"<0.000000-1.000000> // The minimum progress of fog transition.
float "mid_seconds"<0.000000-*> // The time takes to reach certain progress('mid_percent') of fog transition.
float "mid_percent"<0.000000-1.000000> // The progress of fog transition after 'mid_seconds' seconds.
float "max_seconds"<0.000000-*> // Total amount of time takes to complete fog transition.
object "weather" : opt // The fog settings for when the camera is in the air with active weather (rain, snow, etc..).
color "fog_color" // The color that the fog will take on.
float "fog_start" // The distance from the player that the fog will begin to appear. 'fog_start' must be less than or equal to 'fog_end'.
float "fog_end"<0.000000-*> // The distance from the player that the fog will become fully opaque. 'fog_end' must be greater than or equal to 'fog_start'.
string "render_distance_type"<"fixed", "render"> // Determines how distance value is used. Fixed distance is measured in blocks. Dynamic distance is multiplied by the current render distance.
object "transition_fog" : opt // Additional fog data which will slowly transition to the distance fog of current biome.
object "init_fog" // Initial fog that will slowly transition into water distance fog of the biome when player goes into water.
color "fog_color" // The color that the fog will take on.
float "fog_start" // The distance from the player that the fog will begin to appear. 'fog_start' must be less than or equal to 'fog_end'.
float "fog_end"<0.000000-*> // The distance from the player that the fog will become fully opaque. 'fog_end' must be greater than or equal to 'fog_start'.
string "render_distance_type"<"fixed", "render"> // Determines how distance value is used. Fixed distance is measured in blocks. Dynamic distance is multiplied by the current render distance.
float "min_percent"<0.000000-1.000000> // The minimum progress of fog transition.
float "mid_seconds"<0.000000-*> // The time takes to reach certain progress('mid_percent') of fog transition.
float "mid_percent"<0.000000-1.000000> // The progress of fog transition after 'mid_seconds' seconds.
float "max_seconds"<0.000000-*> // Total amount of time takes to complete fog transition.
object "water" : opt // The fog settings when the camera is in water.
color "fog_color" // The color that the fog will take on.
float "fog_start" // The distance from the player that the fog will begin to appear. 'fog_start' must be less than or equal to 'fog_end'.
float "fog_end"<0.000000-*> // The distance from the player that the fog will become fully opaque. 'fog_end' must be greater than or equal to 'fog_start'.
string "render_distance_type"<"fixed", "render"> // Determines how distance value is used. Fixed distance is measured in blocks. Dynamic distance is multiplied by the current render distance.
object "transition_fog" : opt // Additional fog data which will slowly transition to the distance fog of current biome.
object "init_fog" // Initial fog that will slowly transition into water distance fog of the biome when player goes into water.
color "fog_color" // The color that the fog will take on.
float "fog_start" // The distance from the player that the fog will begin to appear. 'fog_start' must be less than or equal to 'fog_end'.
float "fog_end"<0.000000-*> // The distance from the player that the fog will become fully opaque. 'fog_end' must be greater than or equal to 'fog_start'.
string "render_distance_type"<"fixed", "render"> // Determines how distance value is used. Fixed distance is measured in blocks. Dynamic distance is multiplied by the current render distance.
float "min_percent"<0.000000-1.000000> // The minimum progress of fog transition.
float "mid_seconds"<0.000000-*> // The time takes to reach certain progress('mid_percent') of fog transition.
float "mid_percent"<0.000000-1.000000> // The progress of fog transition after 'mid_seconds' seconds.
float "max_seconds"<0.000000-*> // Total amount of time takes to complete fog transition.
object "lava" : opt // The fog settings when the camera is in lava.
color "fog_color" // The color that the fog will take on.
float "fog_start" // The distance from the player that the fog will begin to appear. 'fog_start' must be less than or equal to 'fog_end'.
float "fog_end"<0.000000-*> // The distance from the player that the fog will become fully opaque. 'fog_end' must be greater than or equal to 'fog_start'.
string "render_distance_type"<"fixed", "render"> // Determines how distance value is used. Fixed distance is measured in blocks. Dynamic distance is multiplied by the current render distance.
object "transition_fog" : opt // Additional fog data which will slowly transition to the distance fog of current biome.
object "init_fog" // Initial fog that will slowly transition into water distance fog of the biome when player goes into water.
color "fog_color" // The color that the fog will take on.
float "fog_start" // The distance from the player that the fog will begin to appear. 'fog_start' must be less than or equal to 'fog_end'.
float "fog_end"<0.000000-*> // The distance from the player that the fog will become fully opaque. 'fog_end' must be greater than or equal to 'fog_start'.
string "render_distance_type"<"fixed", "render"> // Determines how distance value is used. Fixed distance is measured in blocks. Dynamic distance is multiplied by the current render distance.
float "min_percent"<0.000000-1.000000> // The minimum progress of fog transition.
float "mid_seconds"<0.000000-*> // The time takes to reach certain progress('mid_percent') of fog transition.
float "mid_percent"<0.000000-1.000000> // The progress of fog transition after 'mid_seconds' seconds.
float "max_seconds"<0.000000-*> // Total amount of time takes to complete fog transition.
object "lava_resistance" : opt // The fog settings when the camera is in lava and the player has the lava resistance effect active.
color "fog_color" // The color that the fog will take on.
float "fog_start" // The distance from the player that the fog will begin to appear. 'fog_start' must be less than or equal to 'fog_end'.
float "fog_end"<0.000000-*> // The distance from the player that the fog will become fully opaque. 'fog_end' must be greater than or equal to 'fog_start'.
string "render_distance_type"<"fixed", "render"> // Determines how distance value is used. Fixed distance is measured in blocks. Dynamic distance is multiplied by the current render distance.
object "transition_fog" : opt // Additional fog data which will slowly transition to the distance fog of current biome.
object "init_fog" // Initial fog that will slowly transition into water distance fog of the biome when player goes into water.
color "fog_color" // The color that the fog will take on.
float "fog_start" // The distance from the player that the fog will begin to appear. 'fog_start' must be less than or equal to 'fog_end'.
float "fog_end"<0.000000-*> // The distance from the player that the fog will become fully opaque. 'fog_end' must be greater than or equal to 'fog_start'.
string "render_distance_type"<"fixed", "render"> // Determines how distance value is used. Fixed distance is measured in blocks. Dynamic distance is multiplied by the current render distance.
float "min_percent"<0.000000-1.000000> // The minimum progress of fog transition.
float "mid_seconds"<0.000000-*> // The time takes to reach certain progress('mid_percent') of fog transition.
float "mid_percent"<0.000000-1.000000> // The progress of fog transition after 'mid_seconds' seconds.
float "max_seconds"<0.000000-*> // Total amount of time takes to complete fog transition.
object "powder_snow" : opt // The fog settings when the camera is inside a Powder Snow block.
color "fog_color" // The color that the fog will take on.
float "fog_start" // The distance from the player that the fog will begin to appear. 'fog_start' must be less than or equal to 'fog_end'.
float "fog_end"<0.000000-*> // The distance from the player that the fog will become fully opaque. 'fog_end' must be greater than or equal to 'fog_start'.
string "render_distance_type"<"fixed", "render"> // Determines how distance value is used. Fixed distance is measured in blocks. Dynamic distance is multiplied by the current render distance.
object "transition_fog" : opt // Additional fog data which will slowly transition to the distance fog of current biome.
object "init_fog" // Initial fog that will slowly transition into water distance fog of the biome when player goes into water.
color "fog_color" // The color that the fog will take on.
float "fog_start" // The distance from the player that the fog will begin to appear. 'fog_start' must be less than or equal to 'fog_end'.
float "fog_end"<0.000000-*> // The distance from the player that the fog will become fully opaque. 'fog_end' must be greater than or equal to 'fog_start'.
string "render_distance_type"<"fixed", "render"> // Determines how distance value is used. Fixed distance is measured in blocks. Dynamic distance is multiplied by the current render distance.
float "min_percent"<0.000000-1.000000> // The minimum progress of fog transition.
float "mid_seconds"<0.000000-*> // The time takes to reach certain progress('mid_percent') of fog transition.
float "mid_percent"<0.000000-1.000000> // The progress of fog transition after 'mid_seconds' seconds.
float "max_seconds"<0.000000-*> // Total amount of time takes to complete fog transition.
object "volumetric" : opt // The volumetric fog settings.
object "density" : opt // The density settings for different camera locations.
object "air" : opt // Fog density values as light passes through air blocks.
float "max_density"<0.000000-1.000000> // The maximum amount of opaqueness that the ground fog will take on. A value from [0.0, 1.0].
float "max_density_height"<-64.000000-320.000000> : opt // The height in blocks that the ground fog will become it's maximum density.
float "zero_density_height"<-64.000000-320.000000> : opt // The height in blocks that the ground fog will be completely transparent and begin to appear. This value needs to be at least 1 higher than 'max_density_height'.
bool "uniform" : opt // When set to true, the density will be uniform across all heights.
object "weather" : opt // Fog density values as light passes through air blocks with active weather (rain, snow, etc..).
float "max_density"<0.000000-1.000000> // The maximum amount of opaqueness that the ground fog will take on. A value from [0.0, 1.0].
float "max_density_height"<-64.000000-320.000000> : opt // The height in blocks that the ground fog will become it's maximum density.
float "zero_density_height"<-64.000000-320.000000> : opt // The height in blocks that the ground fog will be completely transparent and begin to appear. This value needs to be at least 1 higher than 'max_density_height'.
bool "uniform" : opt // When set to true, the density will be uniform across all heights.
object "water" : opt // Fog density values as light passes through water blocks.
float "max_density"<0.000000-1.000000> // The maximum amount of opaqueness that the ground fog will take on. A value from [0.0, 1.0].
float "max_density_height"<-64.000000-320.000000> : opt // The height in blocks that the ground fog will become it's maximum density.
float "zero_density_height"<-64.000000-320.000000> : opt // The height in blocks that the ground fog will be completely transparent and begin to appear. This value needs to be at least 1 higher than 'max_density_height'.
bool "uniform" : opt // When set to true, the density will be uniform across all heights.
object "lava" : opt // Fog density values as light passes through lava blocks.
float "max_density"<0.000000-1.000000> // The maximum amount of opaqueness that the ground fog will take on. A value from [0.0, 1.0].
float "max_density_height"<-64.000000-320.000000> : opt // The height in blocks that the ground fog will become it's maximum density.
float "zero_density_height"<-64.000000-320.000000> : opt // The height in blocks that the ground fog will be completely transparent and begin to appear. This value needs to be at least 1 higher than 'max_density_height'.
bool "uniform" : opt // When set to true, the density will be uniform across all heights.
object "lava_resistance" : opt // Fog density values as light passes through lava blocks while the player has lava resistance.
float "max_density"<0.000000-1.000000> // The maximum amount of opaqueness that the ground fog will take on. A value from [0.0, 1.0].
float "max_density_height"<-64.000000-320.000000> : opt // The height in blocks that the ground fog will become it's maximum density.
float "zero_density_height"<-64.000000-320.000000> : opt // The height in blocks that the ground fog will be completely transparent and begin to appear. This value needs to be at least 1 higher than 'max_density_height'.
bool "uniform" : opt // When set to true, the density will be uniform across all heights.
object "media_coefficients" : opt // The coefficient settings for the volumetric fog in different blocks.
object "air" : opt // Fog coefficient values while light passes through air.
color "scattering" // Proportion of light that is scattered per block.
color "absorption" // Proportion of light that is absorbed (lost) per block.
object "water" : opt // Fog coefficient values while light passes through water.
color "scattering" // Proportion of light that is scattered per block.
color "absorption" // Proportion of light that is absorbed (lost) per block.
object "cloud" : opt // Fog coefficient values while light passes through clouds.
color "scattering" // Proportion of light that is scattered per block.
color "absorption" // Proportion of light that is absorbed (lost) per block.




活动迷雾堆栈用于确定在游戏中的任何给定时间使用哪个 fog 设置。每个玩家都有一个独特的雾堆栈。

每当游戏需要确定雾的值时,它将从雾堆栈的顶部开始,然后向下检查,直到找到当前设置类型的值。因此,如果堆栈上的 fog 设置没有它正在寻找的设置,那么它将继续在堆栈中向下并签入。如果找不到此类设置,它将改用引擎定义的默认值。

- Engine Default:硬编码值。
- Data Default: 默认的数据驱动设置。
- Biomes: 定义为在每个生物群系上的设置。
- Command: 服务器命令在玩家上设置的设置。



生物群系图层是玩家位置周围生物群系定义的所有设置的平均值。生物群系设置也以 “biomes_client.json” 为单位为每个单独的生物群系定义。



命令层是由 “/fog” 命令设置的所有设置,并将其从上到下评估为一个堆栈。更多细节请参见 “Fog Command” 部分。



如果它通过 “fog_identifier” 引用雾定义,则在 “default” 下的 “biomes_client.json” 中定义。






可以使用 “biomes_client.json” 确定生物群系的迷雾设置。在每个生物群系条目中,您可以有一个名为 “fog_identifier” 的变量,并设置一个与您要用于此生物群系的雾设置相匹配的名称。

“default” 条目也可以通过这种方式设置,并将在活动雾堆栈中的生物群系条目下使用。因此,生物群系的雾设置并不会完全替换默认设置,而是在默认设置之上读取生物群系,如 “Active Fog Stack” 部分所述。

“default”生物群系条目有标签 “remove_all_prior_fog”,默认为 “false”。
当设置为 false 时(或未输入标签),缺少的迷雾定义将由任何填充了定义的较低资源包填充。
当设置为 true 时,将清除资源包中启用它的当前包之前的所有先前迷雾定义,从而有效地使当前资源包成为所有迷雾的新起点。

当设置为 false 时(或未输入标签),当前资源包的生物群系将用自己的标签覆盖当前存储的 “fog_identifier” 标签。
当设置为 true 时,来自所有匹配生物群系的 “fog_identifier” 标签将被添加在一起,并为该生物群系创建一个新的合并迷雾定义。

Fog Command


“/fog” 可用于管理每个玩家的活动迷雾堆栈的这一层中的迷雾设置。

该层中的迷雾设置通过下面描述的 “/fog” 命令的 “push”、“pop” 和 “remove” 模式进行排序。




从所选玩家中删除与用户提供的 ID 匹配的最顶层迷雾设置(即之前通过“/fog push”命令提供)。



将新的迷雾设置连同用户提供的 ID 一起推送到玩家的活动迷雾堆栈的 Fog Command 层的顶部。



从所选玩家中删除与用户提供的 ID 匹配的所有匹配迷雾设置(即之前通过一个或多个“/fog push”命令提供的 ID)。