BlockStates |
Blocks |
Entities |
Entity Damage Source |
Geometry |
Blocks |
Items |
manifest.json |
类型 | Block State Name | Valid Values | Description |
Boolean | age_bit | True, False | Determines if saplings should grow |
Integer | age | 0 - 15 | Represents the age of the block |
String | portal_axis | unknown, x, z | Determines the orientation of portal blocks |
Name |
minecraft:acacia_button |
minecraft:acacia_door |
minecraft:acacia_fence_gate |
minecraft:acacia_pressure_plate |
minecraft:acacia_stairs |
minecraft:acacia_standing_sign |
minecraft:acacia_trapdoor |
minecraft:acacia_wall_sign |
minecraft:activator_rail |
minecraft:air |
minecraft:allow |
minecraft:amethyst_block |
minecraft:amethyst_cluster |
minecraft:ancient_debris |
minecraft:andesite_stairs |
minecraft:anvil |
minecraft:azalea |
minecraft:azalea_leaves |
minecraft:azalea_leaves_flowered |
minecraft:bamboo |
minecraft:bamboo_sapling |
minecraft:barrel |
minecraft:barrier |
minecraft:basalt |
minecraft:beacon |
minecraft:bed |
minecraft:bedrock |
minecraft:bee_nest |
minecraft:beehive |
minecraft:beetroot |
minecraft:bell |
minecraft:big_dripleaf |
minecraft:birch_button |
minecraft:birch_door |
minecraft:birch_fence_gate |
minecraft:birch_pressure_plate |
minecraft:birch_stairs |
minecraft:birch_standing_sign |
minecraft:birch_trapdoor |
minecraft:birch_wall_sign |
minecraft:black_candle |
minecraft:black_candle_cake |
minecraft:black_glazed_terracotta |
minecraft:blackstone |
minecraft:blackstone_double_slab |
minecraft:blackstone_slab |
minecraft:blackstone_stairs |
minecraft:blackstone_wall |
minecraft:blast_furnace |
minecraft:blue_candle |
minecraft:blue_candle_cake |
minecraft:blue_glazed_terracotta |
minecraft:blue_ice |
minecraft:bone_block |
minecraft:bookshelf |
minecraft:border_block |
minecraft:brewing_stand |
minecraft:brick_block |
minecraft:brick_stairs |
minecraft:brown_candle |
minecraft:brown_candle_cake |
minecraft:brown_glazed_terracotta |
minecraft:brown_mushroom |
minecraft:brown_mushroom_block |
minecraft:bubble_column |
minecraft:budding_amethyst |
minecraft:cactus |
minecraft:cake |
minecraft:calcite |
minecraft:camera |
minecraft:campfire |
minecraft:candle |
minecraft:candle_cake |
minecraft:carpet |
minecraft:carrots |
minecraft:cartography_table |
minecraft:carved_pumpkin |
minecraft:cauldron |
minecraft:cave_vines |
minecraft:cave_vines_body_with_berries |
minecraft:cave_vines_head_with_berries |
minecraft:chain |
minecraft:chain_command_block |
minecraft:chemical_heat |
minecraft:chemistry_table |
minecraft:chest |
minecraft:chiseled_deepslate |
minecraft:chiseled_nether_bricks |
minecraft:chiseled_polished_blackstone |
minecraft:chorus_flower |
minecraft:chorus_plant |
minecraft:clay |
minecraft:client_request_placeholder_block |
minecraft:coal_block |
minecraft:coal_ore |
minecraft:cobbled_deepslate |
minecraft:cobbled_deepslate_double_slab |
minecraft:cobbled_deepslate_slab |
minecraft:cobbled_deepslate_stairs |
minecraft:cobbled_deepslate_wall |
minecraft:cobblestone |
minecraft:cobblestone_wall |
minecraft:cocoa |
minecraft:colored_torch_bp |
minecraft:colored_torch_rg |
minecraft:command_block |
minecraft:composter |
minecraft:concrete |
minecraft:concretePowder |
minecraft:conduit |
minecraft:copper_block |
minecraft:copper_ore |
minecraft:coral |
minecraft:coral_block |
minecraft:coral_fan |
minecraft:coral_fan_dead |
minecraft:coral_fan_hang |
minecraft:coral_fan_hang2 |
minecraft:coral_fan_hang3 |
minecraft:cracked_deepslate_bricks |
minecraft:cracked_deepslate_tiles |
minecraft:cracked_nether_bricks |
minecraft:cracked_polished_blackstone_bricks |
minecraft:crafting_table |
minecraft:crimson_button |
minecraft:crimson_door |
minecraft:crimson_double_slab |
minecraft:crimson_fence |
minecraft:crimson_fence_gate |
minecraft:crimson_fungus |
minecraft:crimson_hyphae |
minecraft:crimson_nylium |
minecraft:crimson_planks |
minecraft:crimson_pressure_plate |
minecraft:crimson_roots |
minecraft:crimson_slab |
minecraft:crimson_stairs |
minecraft:crimson_standing_sign |
minecraft:crimson_stem |
minecraft:crimson_trapdoor |
minecraft:crimson_wall_sign |
minecraft:crying_obsidian |
minecraft:cut_copper |
minecraft:cut_copper_slab |
minecraft:cut_copper_stairs |
minecraft:cyan_candle |
minecraft:cyan_candle_cake |
minecraft:cyan_glazed_terracotta |
minecraft:dark_oak_button |
minecraft:dark_oak_door |
minecraft:dark_oak_fence_gate |
minecraft:dark_oak_pressure_plate |
minecraft:dark_oak_stairs |
minecraft:dark_oak_trapdoor |
minecraft:dark_prismarine_stairs |
minecraft:darkoak_standing_sign |
minecraft:darkoak_wall_sign |
minecraft:daylight_detector |
minecraft:daylight_detector_inverted |
minecraft:deadbush |
minecraft:deepslate |
minecraft:deepslate_brick_double_slab |
minecraft:deepslate_brick_slab |
minecraft:deepslate_brick_stairs |
minecraft:deepslate_brick_wall |
minecraft:deepslate_bricks |
minecraft:deepslate_coal_ore |
minecraft:deepslate_copper_ore |
minecraft:deepslate_diamond_ore |
minecraft:deepslate_emerald_ore |
minecraft:deepslate_gold_ore |
minecraft:deepslate_iron_ore |
minecraft:deepslate_lapis_ore |
minecraft:deepslate_redstone_ore |
minecraft:deepslate_tile_double_slab |
minecraft:deepslate_tile_slab |
minecraft:deepslate_tile_stairs |
minecraft:deepslate_tile_wall |
minecraft:deepslate_tiles |
minecraft:deny |
minecraft:detector_rail |
minecraft:diamond_block |
minecraft:diamond_ore |
minecraft:diorite_stairs |
minecraft:dirt |
minecraft:dirt_with_roots |
minecraft:dispenser |
minecraft:double_cut_copper_slab |
minecraft:double_plant |
minecraft:double_stone_slab |
minecraft:double_stone_slab2 |
minecraft:double_stone_slab3 |
minecraft:double_stone_slab4 |
minecraft:double_wooden_slab |
minecraft:dragon_egg |
minecraft:dried_kelp_block |
minecraft:dripstone_block |
minecraft:dropper |
minecraft:element_0 |
minecraft:element_1 |
minecraft:element_10 |
minecraft:element_100 |
minecraft:element_101 |
minecraft:element_102 |
minecraft:element_103 |
minecraft:element_104 |
minecraft:element_105 |
minecraft:element_106 |
minecraft:element_107 |
minecraft:element_108 |
minecraft:element_109 |
minecraft:element_11 |
minecraft:element_110 |
minecraft:element_111 |
minecraft:element_112 |
minecraft:element_113 |
minecraft:element_114 |
minecraft:element_115 |
minecraft:element_116 |
minecraft:element_117 |
minecraft:element_118 |
minecraft:element_12 |
minecraft:element_13 |
minecraft:element_14 |
minecraft:element_15 |
minecraft:element_16 |
minecraft:element_17 |
minecraft:element_18 |
minecraft:element_19 |
minecraft:element_2 |
minecraft:element_20 |
minecraft:element_21 |
minecraft:element_22 |
minecraft:element_23 |
minecraft:element_24 |
minecraft:element_25 |
minecraft:element_26 |
minecraft:element_27 |
minecraft:element_28 |
minecraft:element_29 |
minecraft:element_3 |
minecraft:element_30 |
minecraft:element_31 |
minecraft:element_32 |
minecraft:element_33 |
minecraft:element_34 |
minecraft:element_35 |
minecraft:element_36 |
minecraft:element_37 |
minecraft:element_38 |
minecraft:element_39 |
minecraft:element_4 |
minecraft:element_40 |
minecraft:element_41 |
minecraft:element_42 |
minecraft:element_43 |
minecraft:element_44 |
minecraft:element_45 |
minecraft:element_46 |
minecraft:element_47 |
minecraft:element_48 |
minecraft:element_49 |
minecraft:element_5 |
minecraft:element_50 |
minecraft:element_51 |
minecraft:element_52 |
minecraft:element_53 |
minecraft:element_54 |
minecraft:element_55 |
minecraft:element_56 |
minecraft:element_57 |
minecraft:element_58 |
minecraft:element_59 |
minecraft:element_6 |
minecraft:element_60 |
minecraft:element_61 |
minecraft:element_62 |
minecraft:element_63 |
minecraft:element_64 |
minecraft:element_65 |
minecraft:element_66 |
minecraft:element_67 |
minecraft:element_68 |
minecraft:element_69 |
minecraft:element_7 |
minecraft:element_70 |
minecraft:element_71 |
minecraft:element_72 |
minecraft:element_73 |
minecraft:element_74 |
minecraft:element_75 |
minecraft:element_76 |
minecraft:element_77 |
minecraft:element_78 |
minecraft:element_79 |
minecraft:element_8 |
minecraft:element_80 |
minecraft:element_81 |
minecraft:element_82 |
minecraft:element_83 |
minecraft:element_84 |
minecraft:element_85 |
minecraft:element_86 |
minecraft:element_87 |
minecraft:element_88 |
minecraft:element_89 |
minecraft:element_9 |
minecraft:element_90 |
minecraft:element_91 |
minecraft:element_92 |
minecraft:element_93 |
minecraft:element_94 |
minecraft:element_95 |
minecraft:element_96 |
minecraft:element_97 |
minecraft:element_98 |
minecraft:element_99 |
minecraft:emerald_block |
minecraft:emerald_ore |
minecraft:enchanting_table |
minecraft:end_brick_stairs |
minecraft:end_bricks |
minecraft:end_gateway |
minecraft:end_portal |
minecraft:end_portal_frame |
minecraft:end_rod |
minecraft:end_stone |
minecraft:ender_chest |
minecraft:exposed_copper |
minecraft:exposed_cut_copper |
minecraft:exposed_cut_copper_slab |
minecraft:exposed_cut_copper_stairs |
minecraft:exposed_double_cut_copper_slab |
minecraft:farmland |
minecraft:fence |
minecraft:fence_gate |
minecraft:fire |
minecraft:fletching_table |
minecraft:flower_pot |
minecraft:flowering_azalea |
minecraft:flowing_lava |
minecraft:flowing_water |
minecraft:frame |
minecraft:frog_egg |
minecraft:frosted_ice |
minecraft:furnace |
minecraft:gilded_blackstone |
minecraft:glass |
minecraft:glass_pane |
minecraft:glow_frame |
minecraft:glow_lichen |
minecraft:glowingobsidian |
minecraft:glowstone |
minecraft:gold_block |
minecraft:gold_ore |
minecraft:golden_rail |
minecraft:granite_stairs |
minecraft:grass |
minecraft:grass_path |
minecraft:gravel |
minecraft:gray_candle |
minecraft:gray_candle_cake |
minecraft:gray_glazed_terracotta |
minecraft:green_candle |
minecraft:green_candle_cake |
minecraft:green_glazed_terracotta |
minecraft:grindstone |
minecraft:hanging_roots |
minecraft:hard_glass |
minecraft:hard_glass_pane |
minecraft:hard_stained_glass |
minecraft:hard_stained_glass_pane |
minecraft:hardened_clay |
minecraft:hay_block |
minecraft:heavy_weighted_pressure_plate |
minecraft:honey_block |
minecraft:honeycomb_block |
minecraft:hopper |
minecraft:ice |
minecraft:infested_deepslate |
minecraft:info_update |
minecraft:info_update2 |
minecraft:invisibleBedrock |
minecraft:iron_bars |
minecraft:iron_block |
minecraft:iron_door |
minecraft:iron_ore |
minecraft:iron_trapdoor |
minecraft:jigsaw |
minecraft:jukebox |
minecraft:jungle_button |
minecraft:jungle_door |
minecraft:jungle_fence_gate |
minecraft:jungle_pressure_plate |
minecraft:jungle_stairs |
minecraft:jungle_standing_sign |
minecraft:jungle_trapdoor |
minecraft:jungle_wall_sign |
minecraft:kelp |
minecraft:ladder |
minecraft:lantern |
minecraft:lapis_block |
minecraft:lapis_ore |
minecraft:large_amethyst_bud |
minecraft:lava |
minecraft:lava_cauldron |
minecraft:leaves |
minecraft:leaves2 |
minecraft:lectern |
minecraft:lever |
minecraft:light_block |
minecraft:light_blue_candle |
minecraft:light_blue_candle_cake |
minecraft:light_blue_glazed_terracotta |
minecraft:light_gray_candle |
minecraft:light_gray_candle_cake |
minecraft:light_weighted_pressure_plate |
minecraft:lightning_rod |
minecraft:lime_candle |
minecraft:lime_candle_cake |
minecraft:lime_glazed_terracotta |
minecraft:lit_blast_furnace |
minecraft:lit_deepslate_redstone_ore |
minecraft:lit_furnace |
minecraft:lit_pumpkin |
minecraft:lit_redstone_lamp |
minecraft:lit_redstone_ore |
minecraft:lit_smoker |
minecraft:lodestone |
minecraft:log |
minecraft:log2 |
minecraft:loom |
minecraft:magenta_candle |
minecraft:magenta_candle_cake |
minecraft:magenta_glazed_terracotta |
minecraft:magma |
minecraft:medium_amethyst_bud |
minecraft:melon_block |
minecraft:melon_stem |
minecraft:mob_spawner |
minecraft:monster_egg |
minecraft:moss_block |
minecraft:moss_carpet |
minecraft:mossy_cobblestone |
minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_stairs |
minecraft:mossy_stone_brick_stairs |
minecraft:movingBlock |
minecraft:mycelium |
minecraft:mysterious_frame |
minecraft:mysterious_frame_slot |
minecraft:nether_brick |
minecraft:nether_brick_fence |
minecraft:nether_brick_stairs |
minecraft:nether_gold_ore |
minecraft:nether_sprouts |
minecraft:nether_wart |
minecraft:nether_wart_block |
minecraft:netherite_block |
minecraft:netherrack |
minecraft:netherreactor |
minecraft:normal_stone_stairs |
minecraft:noteblock |
minecraft:oak_stairs |
minecraft:observer |
minecraft:obsidian |
minecraft:ochre_froglight |
minecraft:orange_candle |
minecraft:orange_candle_cake |
minecraft:orange_glazed_terracotta |
minecraft:oxidized_copper |
minecraft:oxidized_cut_copper |
minecraft:oxidized_cut_copper_slab |
minecraft:oxidized_cut_copper_stairs |
minecraft:oxidized_double_cut_copper_slab |
minecraft:packed_ice |
minecraft:pearlescent_froglight |
minecraft:pink_candle |
minecraft:pink_candle_cake |
minecraft:pink_glazed_terracotta |
minecraft:piston |
minecraft:pistonArmCollision |
minecraft:planks |
minecraft:podzol |
minecraft:pointed_dripstone |
minecraft:polished_andesite_stairs |
minecraft:polished_basalt |
minecraft:polished_blackstone |
minecraft:polished_blackstone_brick_double_slab |
minecraft:polished_blackstone_brick_slab |
minecraft:polished_blackstone_brick_stairs |
minecraft:polished_blackstone_brick_wall |
minecraft:polished_blackstone_bricks |
minecraft:polished_blackstone_button |
minecraft:polished_blackstone_double_slab |
minecraft:polished_blackstone_pressure_plate |
minecraft:polished_blackstone_slab |
minecraft:polished_blackstone_stairs |
minecraft:polished_blackstone_wall |
minecraft:polished_deepslate |
minecraft:polished_deepslate_double_slab |
minecraft:polished_deepslate_slab |
minecraft:polished_deepslate_stairs |
minecraft:polished_deepslate_wall |
minecraft:polished_diorite_stairs |
minecraft:polished_granite_stairs |
minecraft:portal |
minecraft:potatoes |
minecraft:powder_snow |
minecraft:powered_comparator |
minecraft:powered_repeater |
minecraft:prismarine |
minecraft:prismarine_bricks_stairs |
minecraft:prismarine_stairs |
minecraft:pumpkin |
minecraft:pumpkin_stem |
minecraft:purple_candle |
minecraft:purple_candle_cake |
minecraft:purple_glazed_terracotta |
minecraft:purpur_block |
minecraft:purpur_stairs |
minecraft:quartz_block |
minecraft:quartz_bricks |
minecraft:quartz_ore |
minecraft:quartz_stairs |
minecraft:rail |
minecraft:raw_copper_block |
minecraft:raw_gold_block |
minecraft:raw_iron_block |
minecraft:red_candle |
minecraft:red_candle_cake |
minecraft:red_flower |
minecraft:red_glazed_terracotta |
minecraft:red_mushroom |
minecraft:red_mushroom_block |
minecraft:red_nether_brick |
minecraft:red_nether_brick_stairs |
minecraft:red_sandstone |
minecraft:red_sandstone_stairs |
minecraft:redstone_block |
minecraft:redstone_lamp |
minecraft:redstone_ore |
minecraft:redstone_torch |
minecraft:redstone_wire |
minecraft:reeds |
minecraft:repeating_command_block |
minecraft:reserved6 |
minecraft:respawn_anchor |
minecraft:sand |
minecraft:sandstone |
minecraft:sandstone_stairs |
minecraft:sapling |
minecraft:scaffolding |
minecraft:sculk |
minecraft:sculk_catalyst |
minecraft:sculk_sensor |
minecraft:sculk_shrieker |
minecraft:sculk_vein |
minecraft:seaLantern |
minecraft:sea_pickle |
minecraft:seagrass |
minecraft:shroomlight |
minecraft:shulker_box |
minecraft:silver_glazed_terracotta |
minecraft:skull |
minecraft:slime |
minecraft:small_amethyst_bud |
minecraft:small_dripleaf_block |
minecraft:smithing_table |
minecraft:smoker |
minecraft:smooth_basalt |
minecraft:smooth_quartz_stairs |
minecraft:smooth_red_sandstone_stairs |
minecraft:smooth_sandstone_stairs |
minecraft:smooth_stone |
minecraft:snow |
minecraft:snow_layer |
minecraft:soul_campfire |
minecraft:soul_fire |
minecraft:soul_lantern |
minecraft:soul_sand |
minecraft:soul_soil |
minecraft:soul_torch |
minecraft:sponge |
minecraft:spore_blossom |
minecraft:spruce_button |
minecraft:spruce_door |
minecraft:spruce_fence_gate |
minecraft:spruce_pressure_plate |
minecraft:spruce_stairs |
minecraft:spruce_standing_sign |
minecraft:spruce_trapdoor |
minecraft:spruce_wall_sign |
minecraft:stained_glass |
minecraft:stained_glass_pane |
minecraft:stained_hardened_clay |
minecraft:standing_banner |
minecraft:standing_sign |
minecraft:stickyPistonArmCollision |
minecraft:sticky_piston |
minecraft:stone |
minecraft:stone_brick_stairs |
minecraft:stone_button |
minecraft:stone_pressure_plate |
minecraft:stone_slab |
minecraft:stone_slab2 |
minecraft:stone_slab3 |
minecraft:stone_slab4 |
minecraft:stone_stairs |
minecraft:stonebrick |
minecraft:stonecutter |
minecraft:stonecutter_block |
minecraft:stripped_acacia_log |
minecraft:stripped_birch_log |
minecraft:stripped_crimson_hyphae |
minecraft:stripped_crimson_stem |
minecraft:stripped_dark_oak_log |
minecraft:stripped_jungle_log |
minecraft:stripped_oak_log |
minecraft:stripped_spruce_log |
minecraft:stripped_warped_hyphae |
minecraft:stripped_warped_stem |
minecraft:structure_block |
minecraft:structure_void |
minecraft:sweet_berry_bush |
minecraft:tallgrass |
minecraft:target |
minecraft:tinted_glass |
minecraft:tnt |
minecraft:torch |
minecraft:trapdoor |
minecraft:trapped_chest |
minecraft:tripWire |
minecraft:tripwire_hook |
minecraft:tuff |
minecraft:turtle_egg |
minecraft:twisting_vines |
minecraft:underwater_torch |
minecraft:undyed_shulker_box |
minecraft:unknown |
minecraft:unlit_redstone_torch |
minecraft:unpowered_comparator |
minecraft:unpowered_repeater |
minecraft:verdant_froglight |
minecraft:vine |
minecraft:wall_banner |
minecraft:wall_sign |
minecraft:warped_button |
minecraft:warped_door |
minecraft:warped_double_slab |
minecraft:warped_fence |
minecraft:warped_fence_gate |
minecraft:warped_fungus |
minecraft:warped_hyphae |
minecraft:warped_nylium |
minecraft:warped_planks |
minecraft:warped_pressure_plate |
minecraft:warped_roots |
minecraft:warped_slab |
minecraft:warped_stairs |
minecraft:warped_standing_sign |
minecraft:warped_stem |
minecraft:warped_trapdoor |
minecraft:warped_wall_sign |
minecraft:warped_wart_block |
minecraft:water |
minecraft:waterlily |
minecraft:waxed_copper |
minecraft:waxed_cut_copper |
minecraft:waxed_cut_copper_slab |
minecraft:waxed_cut_copper_stairs |
minecraft:waxed_double_cut_copper_slab |
minecraft:waxed_exposed_copper |
minecraft:waxed_exposed_cut_copper |
minecraft:waxed_exposed_cut_copper_slab |
minecraft:waxed_exposed_cut_copper_stairs |
minecraft:waxed_exposed_double_cut_copper_slab |
minecraft:waxed_oxidized_copper |
minecraft:waxed_oxidized_cut_copper |
minecraft:waxed_oxidized_cut_copper_slab |
minecraft:waxed_oxidized_cut_copper_stairs |
minecraft:waxed_oxidized_double_cut_copper_slab |
minecraft:waxed_weathered_copper |
minecraft:waxed_weathered_cut_copper |
minecraft:waxed_weathered_cut_copper_slab |
minecraft:waxed_weathered_cut_copper_stairs |
minecraft:waxed_weathered_double_cut_copper_slab |
minecraft:weathered_copper |
minecraft:weathered_cut_copper |
minecraft:weathered_cut_copper_slab |
minecraft:weathered_cut_copper_stairs |
minecraft:weathered_double_cut_copper_slab |
minecraft:web |
minecraft:weeping_vines |
minecraft:wheat |
minecraft:white_candle |
minecraft:white_candle_cake |
minecraft:white_glazed_terracotta |
minecraft:wither_rose |
minecraft:wood |
minecraft:wooden_button |
minecraft:wooden_door |
minecraft:wooden_pressure_plate |
minecraft:wooden_slab |
minecraft:wool |
minecraft:yellow_candle |
minecraft:yellow_candle_cake |
minecraft:yellow_flower |
minecraft:yellow_glazed_terracotta |
Identifier | Full ID | Short ID |
agent | 312 | 56 |
allay | 390 | 134 |
area_effect_cloud | 95 | 95 |
armor_stand | 317 | 61 |
arrow | 12582992 | 80 |
axolotl | 4994 | 130 |
balloon | 107 | 107 |
bat | 33043 | 19 |
bee | 378 | 122 |
blaze | 2859 | 43 |
boat | 90 | 90 |
cat | 21323 | 75 |
cave_spider | 265000 | 40 |
chalkboard | 78 | 78 |
chest_minecart | 524386 | 98 |
chicken | 4874 | 10 |
cod | 9072 | 112 |
command_block_minecart | 524388 | 100 |
cow | 4875 | 11 |
creeper | 2849 | 33 |
dolphin | 8991 | 31 |
donkey | 2118424 | 24 |
dragon_fireball | 4194383 | 79 |
drowned | 199534 | 110 |
egg | 4194386 | 82 |
elder_guardian | 2866 | 50 |
elder_guardian_ghost | 2936 | 120 |
ender_crystal | 71 | 71 |
ender_dragon | 2869 | 53 |
ender_pearl | 4194391 | 87 |
enderman | 2854 | 38 |
endermite | 265015 | 55 |
evocation_fang | 4194407 | 103 |
evocation_illager | 2920 | 104 |
eye_of_ender_signal | 70 | 70 |
falling_block | 66 | 66 |
fireball | 4194389 | 85 |
firefly | 4999 | 135 |
fireworks_rocket | 72 | 72 |
fishing_hook | 77 | 77 |
fox | 4985 | 121 |
frog | 4996 | 132 |
ghast | 2857 | 41 |
glow_squid | 9089 | 129 |
goat | 4992 | 128 |
guardian | 2865 | 49 |
hoglin | 4988 | 124 |
hopper_minecart | 524384 | 96 |
horse | 2118423 | 23 |
husk | 199471 | 47 |
ice_bomb | 4194410 | 106 |
iron_golem | 788 | 20 |
item | 64 | 64 |
leash_knot | 88 | 88 |
lightning_bolt | 93 | 93 |
lingering_potion | 4194405 | 101 |
llama | 4893 | 29 |
llama_spit | 4194406 | 102 |
magma_cube | 2858 | 42 |
minecart | 524372 | 84 |
mooshroom | 4880 | 16 |
moving_block | 67 | 67 |
mule | 2118425 | 25 |
npc | 307 | 51 |
ocelot | 21270 | 22 |
painting | 83 | 83 |
panda | 4977 | 113 |
parrot | 21278 | 30 |
phantom | 68410 | 58 |
pig | 4876 | 12 |
piglin | 379 | 123 |
piglin_brute | 383 | 127 |
pillager | 2930 | 114 |
player | 319 | 63 |
polar_bear | 4892 | 28 |
pufferfish | 9068 | 108 |
rabbit | 4882 | 18 |
ravager | 2875 | 59 |
salmon | 9069 | 109 |
sheep | 4877 | 13 |
shield | 117 | 117 |
shulker | 2870 | 54 |
shulker_bullet | 4194380 | 76 |
silverfish | 264999 | 39 |
skeleton | 1116962 | 34 |
skeleton_horse | 2186010 | 26 |
slime | 2853 | 37 |
small_fireball | 4194398 | 94 |
snow_golem | 789 | 21 |
snowball | 4194385 | 81 |
spider | 264995 | 35 |
splash_potion | 4194390 | 86 |
squid | 8977 | 17 |
stray | 1116974 | 46 |
strider | 4989 | 125 |
tadpole | 9093 | 133 |
thrown_trident | 12582985 | 73 |
tnt | 65 | 65 |
tnt_minecart | 524385 | 97 |
tripod_camera | 318 | 62 |
tropicalfish | 9071 | 111 |
turtle | 4938 | 74 |
vex | 2921 | 105 |
villager | 16777999 | 15 |
villager_v2 | 16778099 | 115 |
vindicator | 2873 | 57 |
wandering_trader | 886 | 118 |
witch | 2861 | 45 |
wither | 68404 | 52 |
wither_skeleton | 1116976 | 48 |
wither_skull | 4194393 | 89 |
wither_skull_dangerous | 4194395 | 91 |
wolf | 21262 | 14 |
xp_bottle | 4194372 | 68 |
xp_orb | 69 | 69 |
zoglin | 68478 | 126 |
zombie | 199456 | 32 |
zombie_horse | 2186011 | 27 |
zombie_pigman | 68388 | 36 |
zombie_villager | 199468 | 44 |
zombie_villager_v2 | 199540 | 116 |
Entity Damage Source
Damage Source | ID |
all | |
anvil | |
block_explosion | |
charging | |
contact | |
drowning | |
entity_attack | |
entity_explosion | |
fall | |
falling_block | |
fire | |
fire_tick | |
fireworks | |
fly_into_wall | |
freezing | |
lava | |
lightning | |
magic | |
magma | |
none | |
override | |
piston | |
projectile | |
stalactite | |
stalagmite | |
starve | |
suffocation | |
suicide | |
temperature | |
thorns | |
void | |
wither |
Name | 类型 | 默认值 | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
elements | List | List of elements that make up the geometry of this block
format_version | String | | Version of the block geometry being used. This is used to determine if backwards compatibility is needed | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
materials | List | #0 | List of materials used by this model | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
parent | String | Parent model of this model |
Name | ID | Aux Values |
acacia_boat | 379 | |
acacia_button | -140 | |
acacia_door | 556 | |
acacia_fence_gate | 187 | |
acacia_pressure_plate | -150 | |
acacia_sign | 579 | |
acacia_stairs | 163 | |
acacia_standing_sign | -190 | |
acacia_trapdoor | -145 | |
acacia_wall_sign | -191 | |
activator_rail | 126 | |
agent_spawn_egg | 487 | |
air | -158 | |
allay_spawn_egg | 632 | |
allow | 210 | |
amethyst_block | -327 | |
amethyst_cluster | -329 | |
amethyst_shard | 626 | |
ancient_debris | -271 | |
andesite_stairs | -171 | |
anvil | 145 | |
apple | 257 | |
armor_stand | 552 | |
arrow | 301 | |
axolotl_bucket | 369 | |
axolotl_spawn_egg | 500 | |
azalea | -337 | |
azalea_leaves | -324 | |
azalea_leaves_flowered | -325 | |
baked_potato | 281 | |
balloon | 599 | |
bamboo | -163 | |
bamboo_sapling | -164 | |
banner | 567 | |
banner_pattern | 636 | |
barrel | -203 | |
barrier | -161 | |
basalt | -234 | |
bat_spawn_egg | 453 | |
beacon | 138 | |
bed | 418 | |
bedrock | 7 | |
bee_nest | -218 | |
bee_spawn_egg | 494 | |
beef | 273 | |
beehive | -219 | |
beetroot | 285 | |
beetroot_seeds | 295 | |
beetroot_soup | 286 | |
bell | -206 | |
big_dripleaf | -323 | |
birch_boat | 376 | |
birch_button | -141 | |
birch_door | 554 | |
birch_fence_gate | 184 | |
birch_pressure_plate | -151 | |
birch_sign | 577 | |
birch_stairs | 135 | |
birch_standing_sign | -186 | |
birch_trapdoor | -146 | |
birch_wall_sign | -187 | |
black_candle | -428 | |
black_candle_cake | -445 | |
black_dye | 395 | |
black_glazed_terracotta | 235 | |
blackstone | -273 | |
blackstone_double_slab | -283 | |
blackstone_slab | -282 | |
blackstone_stairs | -276 | |
blackstone_wall | -277 | |
blast_furnace | -196 | |
blaze_powder | 429 | |
blaze_rod | 423 | |
blaze_spawn_egg | 456 | |
bleach | 597 | |
blue_candle | -424 | |
blue_candle_cake | -441 | |
blue_dye | 399 | |
blue_glazed_terracotta | 231 | |
blue_ice | -11 | |
boat | 634 | |
bone | 415 | |
bone_block | 216 | |
bone_meal | 411 | |
book | 387 | |
bookshelf | 47 | |
border_block | 212 | |
bordure_indented_banner_pattern | 586 | |
bow | 300 | |
bowl | 321 | |
bread | 261 | |
brewing_stand | 431 | |
brewingstandblock | 117 | |
brick | 383 | |
brick_block | 45 | |
brick_stairs | 108 | |
brown_candle | -425 | |
brown_candle_cake | -442 | |
brown_dye | 398 | |
brown_glazed_terracotta | 232 | |
brown_mushroom | 39 | |
brown_mushroom_block | 99 | |
bubble_column | -160 | |
bucket | 360 | |
budding_amethyst | -328 | |
cactus | 81 | |
cake | 417 | |
calcite | -326 | |
camera | 594 | |
campfire | 589 | |
candle | -412 | |
candle_cake | -429 | |
carpet | 171 | |
carrot | 279 | |
carrot_on_a_stick | 517 | |
carrots | 141 | |
cartography_table | -200 | |
carved_pumpkin | -155 | |
cat_spawn_egg | 488 | |
cauldron | 432 | |
cave_spider_spawn_egg | 457 | |
cave_vines | -322 | |
cave_vines_body_with_berries | -375 | |
cave_vines_head_with_berries | -376 | |
chain | 620 | |
chain_command_block | 189 | |
chainmail_boots | 342 | |
chainmail_chestplate | 340 | |
chainmail_helmet | 339 | |
chainmail_leggings | 341 | |
charcoal | 303 | |
chemical_heat | 192 | |
chemistry_table | 238 | |
chest | 54 | |
chest_minecart | 389 | |
chicken | 275 | |
chicken_spawn_egg | 435 | |
chiseled_deepslate | -395 | |
chiseled_nether_bricks | -302 | |
chiseled_polished_blackstone | -279 | |
chorus_flower | 200 | |
chorus_fruit | 558 | |
chorus_plant | 240 | |
clay | 82 | |
clay_ball | 384 | |
client_request_placeholder_block | -465 | |
clock | 393 | |
coal | 302 | |
coal_block | 173 | |
coal_ore | 16 | |
cobbled_deepslate | -379 | |
cobbled_deepslate_double_slab | -396 | |
cobbled_deepslate_slab | -380 | |
cobbled_deepslate_stairs | -381 | |
cobbled_deepslate_wall | -382 | |
cobblestone | 4 | |
cobblestone_wall | 139 | |
cocoa | 127 | |
cocoa_beans | 412 | |
cod | 264 | |
cod_bucket | 364 | |
cod_spawn_egg | 480 | |
colored_torch_bp | 204 | |
colored_torch_rg | 202 | |
command_block | 137 | |
command_block_minecart | 563 | |
comparator | 522 | |
compass | 391 | |
composter | -213 | |
compound | 595 | |
concrete | 236 | |
concrete_powder | 237 | |
conduit | -157 | |
cooked_beef | 274 | |
cooked_chicken | 276 | |
cooked_cod | 268 | |
cooked_mutton | 551 | |
cooked_porkchop | 263 | |
cooked_rabbit | 289 | |
cooked_salmon | 269 | |
cookie | 271 | |
copper_block | -340 | |
copper_ingot | 504 | |
copper_ore | -311 | |
coral | -131 | |
coral_block | -132 | |
coral_fan | -133 | |
coral_fan_dead | -134 | |
coral_fan_hang | -135 | |
coral_fan_hang2 | -136 | |
coral_fan_hang3 | -137 | |
cow_spawn_egg | 436 | |
cracked_deepslate_bricks | -410 | |
cracked_deepslate_tiles | -409 | |
cracked_nether_bricks | -303 | |
cracked_polished_blackstone_bricks | -280 | |
crafting_table | 58 | |
creeper_banner_pattern | 582 | |
creeper_spawn_egg | 441 | |
crimson_button | -260 | |
crimson_door | 617 | |
crimson_double_slab | -266 | |
crimson_fence | -256 | |
crimson_fence_gate | -258 | |
crimson_fungus | -228 | |
crimson_hyphae | -299 | |
crimson_nylium | -232 | |
crimson_planks | -242 | |
crimson_pressure_plate | -262 | |
crimson_roots | -223 | |
crimson_sign | 615 | |
crimson_slab | -264 | |
crimson_stairs | -254 | |
crimson_standing_sign | -250 | |
crimson_stem | -225 | |
crimson_trapdoor | -246 | |
crimson_wall_sign | -252 | |
crossbow | 575 | |
crying_obsidian | -289 | |
cut_copper | -347 | |
cut_copper_slab | -361 | |
cut_copper_stairs | -354 | |
cyan_candle | -422 | |
cyan_candle_cake | -439 | |
cyan_dye | 401 | |
cyan_glazed_terracotta | 229 | |
dark_oak_boat | 380 | |
dark_oak_button | -142 | |
dark_oak_door | 557 | |
dark_oak_fence_gate | 186 | |
dark_oak_pressure_plate | -152 | |
dark_oak_sign | 580 | |
dark_oak_stairs | 164 | |
dark_oak_trapdoor | -147 | |
dark_prismarine_stairs | -3 | |
darkoak_standing_sign | -192 | |
darkoak_wall_sign | -193 | |
daylight_detector | 151 | |
daylight_detector_inverted | 178 | |
deadbush | 32 | |
debug_stick | 591 | |
deepslate | -378 | |
deepslate_brick_double_slab | -399 | |
deepslate_brick_slab | -392 | |
deepslate_brick_stairs | -393 | |
deepslate_brick_wall | -394 | |
deepslate_bricks | -391 | |
deepslate_coal_ore | -406 | |
deepslate_copper_ore | -408 | |
deepslate_diamond_ore | -405 | |
deepslate_emerald_ore | -407 | |
deepslate_gold_ore | -402 | |
deepslate_iron_ore | -401 | |
deepslate_lapis_ore | -400 | |
deepslate_redstone_ore | -403 | |
deepslate_tile_double_slab | -398 | |
deepslate_tile_slab | -388 | |
deepslate_tile_stairs | -389 | |
deepslate_tile_wall | -390 | |
deepslate_tiles | -387 | |
deny | 211 | |
detector_rail | 28 | |
diamond | 304 | |
diamond_axe | 319 | |
diamond_block | 57 | |
diamond_boots | 350 | |
diamond_chestplate | 348 | |
diamond_helmet | 347 | |
diamond_hoe | 332 | |
diamond_horse_armor | 533 | |
diamond_leggings | 349 | |
diamond_ore | 56 | |
diamond_pickaxe | 318 | |
diamond_shovel | 317 | |
diamond_sword | 316 | |
diorite_stairs | -170 | |
dirt | 3 | |
dirt_with_roots | -318 | |
dispenser | 23 | |
dolphin_spawn_egg | 484 | |
donkey_spawn_egg | 465 | |
double_cut_copper_slab | -368 | |
double_plant | 175 | |
double_stone_slab | 44 | |
double_stone_slab2 | 182 | |
double_stone_slab3 | -162 | |
double_stone_slab4 | -166 | |
double_wooden_slab | 157 | |
dragon_breath | 560 | |
dragon_egg | 122 | |
dried_kelp | 270 | |
dried_kelp_block | -139 | |
dripstone_block | -317 | |
dropper | 125 | |
drowned_spawn_egg | 483 | |
dye | 635 | |
egg | 390 | |
elder_guardian_spawn_egg | 471 | |
element_0 | 36 | |
element_1 | -12 | |
element_10 | -21 | |
element_100 | -111 | |
element_101 | -112 | |
element_102 | -113 | |
element_103 | -114 | |
element_104 | -115 | |
element_105 | -116 | |
element_106 | -117 | |
element_107 | -118 | |
element_108 | -119 | |
element_109 | -120 | |
element_11 | -22 | |
element_110 | -121 | |
element_111 | -122 | |
element_112 | -123 | |
element_113 | -124 | |
element_114 | -125 | |
element_115 | -126 | |
element_116 | -127 | |
element_117 | -128 | |
element_118 | -129 | |
element_12 | -23 | |
element_13 | -24 | |
element_14 | -25 | |
element_15 | -26 | |
element_16 | -27 | |
element_17 | -28 | |
element_18 | -29 | |
element_19 | -30 | |
element_2 | -13 | |
element_20 | -31 | |
element_21 | -32 | |
element_22 | -33 | |
element_23 | -34 | |
element_24 | -35 | |
element_25 | -36 | |
element_26 | -37 | |
element_27 | -38 | |
element_28 | -39 | |
element_29 | -40 | |
element_3 | -14 | |
element_30 | -41 | |
element_31 | -42 | |
element_32 | -43 | |
element_33 | -44 | |
element_34 | -45 | |
element_35 | -46 | |
element_36 | -47 | |
element_37 | -48 | |
element_38 | -49 | |
element_39 | -50 | |
element_4 | -15 | |
element_40 | -51 | |
element_41 | -52 | |
element_42 | -53 | |
element_43 | -54 | |
element_44 | -55 | |
element_45 | -56 | |
element_46 | -57 | |
element_47 | -58 | |
element_48 | -59 | |
element_49 | -60 | |
element_5 | -16 | |
element_50 | -61 | |
element_51 | -62 | |
element_52 | -63 | |
element_53 | -64 | |
element_54 | -65 | |
element_55 | -66 | |
element_56 | -67 | |
element_57 | -68 | |
element_58 | -69 | |
element_59 | -70 | |
element_6 | -17 | |
element_60 | -71 | |
element_61 | -72 | |
element_62 | -73 | |
element_63 | -74 | |
element_64 | -75 | |
element_65 | -76 | |
element_66 | -77 | |
element_67 | -78 | |
element_68 | -79 | |
element_69 | -80 | |
element_7 | -18 | |
element_70 | -81 | |
element_71 | -82 | |
element_72 | -83 | |
element_73 | -84 | |
element_74 | -85 | |
element_75 | -86 | |
element_76 | -87 | |
element_77 | -88 | |
element_78 | -89 | |
element_79 | -90 | |
element_8 | -19 | |
element_80 | -91 | |
element_81 | -92 | |
element_82 | -93 | |
element_83 | -94 | |
element_84 | -95 | |
element_85 | -96 | |
element_86 | -97 | |
element_87 | -98 | |
element_88 | -99 | |
element_89 | -100 | |
element_9 | -20 | |
element_90 | -101 | |
element_91 | -102 | |
element_92 | -103 | |
element_93 | -104 | |
element_94 | -105 | |
element_95 | -106 | |
element_96 | -107 | |
element_97 | -108 | |
element_98 | -109 | |
element_99 | -110 | |
elytra | 564 | |
emerald | 512 | |
emerald_block | 133 | |
emerald_ore | 129 | |
empty_map | 515 | |
enchanted_book | 521 | |
enchanted_golden_apple | 259 | |
enchanting_table | 116 | |
end_brick_stairs | -178 | |
end_bricks | 206 | |
end_crystal | 638 | |
end_gateway | 209 | |
end_portal | 119 | |
end_portal_frame | 120 | |
end_rod | 208 | |
end_stone | 121 | |
ender_chest | 130 | |
ender_eye | 433 | |
ender_pearl | 422 | |
enderman_spawn_egg | 442 | |
endermite_spawn_egg | 460 | |
evoker_spawn_egg | 475 | |
experience_bottle | 508 | |
exposed_copper | -341 | |
exposed_cut_copper | -348 | |
exposed_cut_copper_slab | -362 | |
exposed_cut_copper_stairs | -355 | |
exposed_double_cut_copper_slab | -369 | |
farmland | 60 | |
feather | 327 | |
fence | 85 | |
fence_gate | 107 | |
fermented_spider_eye | 428 | |
field_masoned_banner_pattern | 585 | |
filled_map | 420 | |
fire | 51 | |
fire_charge | 509 | |
firefly_spawn_egg | 633 | |
firework_rocket | 519 | |
firework_star | 520 | |
fishing_rod | 392 | |
fletching_table | -201 | |
flint | 356 | |
flint_and_steel | 299 | |
flower_banner_pattern | 581 | |
flower_pot | 514 | |
flowering_azalea | -338 | |
flowing_lava | 10 | |
flowing_water | 8 | |
fox_spawn_egg | 490 | |
frame | 513 | |
frog_egg | -468 | |
frog_spawn_egg | 629 | |
frosted_ice | 207 | |
furnace | 61 | |
ghast_spawn_egg | 454 | |
ghast_tear | 424 | |
gilded_blackstone | -281 | |
glass | 20 | |
glass_bottle | 427 | |
glass_pane | 102 | |
glistering_melon_slice | 434 | |
globe_banner_pattern | 588 | |
glow_frame | 624 | |
glow_ink_sac | 503 | |
glow_lichen | -411 | |
glow_squid_spawn_egg | 502 | |
glow_stick | 602 | |
glowingobsidian | 246 | |
glowstone | 89 | |
glowstone_dust | 394 | |
goat_horn | 625 | |
goat_spawn_egg | 501 | |
gold_block | 41 | |
gold_ingot | 306 | |
gold_nugget | 425 | |
gold_ore | 14 | |
golden_apple | 258 | |
golden_axe | 325 | |
golden_boots | 354 | |
golden_carrot | 283 | |
golden_chestplate | 352 | |
golden_helmet | 351 | |
golden_hoe | 333 | |
golden_horse_armor | 532 | |
golden_leggings | 353 | |
golden_pickaxe | 324 | |
golden_rail | 27 | |
golden_shovel | 323 | |
golden_sword | 322 | |
granite_stairs | -169 | |
grass | 2 | |
grass_path | 198 | |
gravel | 13 | |
gray_candle | -420 | |
gray_candle_cake | -437 | |
gray_dye | 403 | |
gray_glazed_terracotta | 227 | |
green_candle | -426 | |
green_candle_cake | -443 | |
green_dye | 397 | |
green_glazed_terracotta | 233 | |
grindstone | -195 | |
guardian_spawn_egg | 461 | |
gunpowder | 328 | |
hanging_roots | -319 | |
hard_glass | 253 | |
hard_glass_pane | 190 | |
hard_stained_glass | 254 | |
hard_stained_glass_pane | 191 | |
hardened_clay | 172 | |
hay_block | 170 | |
heart_of_the_sea | 571 | |
heavy_weighted_pressure_plate | 148 | |
hoglin_spawn_egg | 496 | |
honey_block | -220 | |
honey_bottle | 593 | |
honeycomb | 592 | |
honeycomb_block | -221 | |
hopper | 527 | |
hopper_minecart | 526 | |
horse_spawn_egg | 458 | |
husk_spawn_egg | 463 | |
ice | 79 | |
ice_bomb | 596 | |
infested_deepslate | -454 | |
info_update | 248 | |
info_update2 | 249 | |
ink_sac | 413 | |
invisiblebedrock | 95 | |
iron_axe | 298 | |
iron_bars | 101 | |
iron_block | 42 | |
iron_boots | 346 | |
iron_chestplate | 344 | |
iron_door | 372 | |
iron_helmet | 343 | |
iron_hoe | 331 | |
iron_horse_armor | 531 | |
iron_ingot | 305 | |
iron_leggings | 345 | |
iron_nugget | 569 | |
iron_ore | 15 | |
iron_pickaxe | 297 | |
iron_shovel | 296 | |
iron_sword | 307 | |
iron_trapdoor | 167 | |
item.acacia_door | 196 | |
item.bed | 26 | |
item.beetroot | 244 | |
item.birch_door | 194 | |
item.cake | 92 | | | 242 | |
item.campfire | -209 | |
item.cauldron | 118 | |
item.chain | -286 | |
item.crimson_door | -244 | |
item.dark_oak_door | 197 | |
item.flower_pot | 140 | |
item.frame | 199 | |
item.glow_frame | -339 | |
item.hopper | 154 | |
item.iron_door | 71 | |
item.jungle_door | 195 | |
item.kelp | -138 | |
item.nether_sprouts | -238 | |
item.nether_wart | 115 | |
item.reeds | 83 | |
item.skull | 144 | |
item.soul_campfire | -290 | |
item.spruce_door | 193 | |
item.warped_door | -245 | |
item.wheat | 59 | |
item.wooden_door | 64 | |
jigsaw | -211 | |
jukebox | 84 | |
jungle_boat | 377 | |
jungle_button | -143 | |
jungle_door | 555 | |
jungle_fence_gate | 185 | |
jungle_pressure_plate | -153 | |
jungle_sign | 578 | |
jungle_stairs | 136 | |
jungle_standing_sign | -188 | |
jungle_trapdoor | -148 | |
jungle_wall_sign | -189 | |
kelp | 382 | |
ladder | 65 | |
lantern | -208 | |
lapis_block | 22 | |
lapis_lazuli | 414 | |
lapis_ore | 21 | |
large_amethyst_bud | -330 | |
lava | 11 | |
lava_bucket | 363 | |
lava_cauldron | -210 | |
lead | 547 | |
leather | 381 | |
leather_boots | 338 | |
leather_chestplate | 336 | |
leather_helmet | 335 | |
leather_horse_armor | 530 | |
leather_leggings | 337 | |
leaves | 18 | |
leaves2 | 161 | |
lectern | -194 | |
lever | 69 | |
light_block | -215 | |
light_blue_candle | -416 | |
light_blue_candle_cake | -433 | |
light_blue_dye | 407 | |
light_blue_glazed_terracotta | 223 | |
light_gray_candle | -421 | |
light_gray_candle_cake | -438 | |
light_gray_dye | 402 | |
light_weighted_pressure_plate | 147 | |
lightning_rod | -312 | |
lime_candle | -418 | |
lime_candle_cake | -435 | |
lime_dye | 405 | |
lime_glazed_terracotta | 225 | |
lingering_potion | 562 | |
lit_blast_furnace | -214 | |
lit_deepslate_redstone_ore | -404 | |
lit_furnace | 62 | |
lit_pumpkin | 91 | |
lit_redstone_lamp | 124 | |
lit_redstone_ore | 74 | |
lit_smoker | -199 | |
llama_spawn_egg | 473 | |
lodestone | -222 | |
lodestone_compass | 603 | |
log | 17 | |
log2 | 162 | |
loom | -204 | |
magenta_candle | -415 | |
magenta_candle_cake | -432 | |
magenta_dye | 408 | |
magenta_glazed_terracotta | 222 | |
magma | 213 | |
magma_cream | 430 | |
magma_cube_spawn_egg | 455 | |
medicine | 600 | |
medium_amethyst_bud | -331 | |
melon_block | 103 | |
melon_seeds | 293 | |
melon_slice | 272 | |
melon_stem | 105 | |
milk_bucket | 361 | |
minecart | 370 | |
mob_spawner | 52 | |
mojang_banner_pattern | 584 | |
monster_egg | 97 | |
mooshroom_spawn_egg | 440 | |
moss_block | -320 | |
moss_carpet | -335 | |
mossy_cobblestone | 48 | |
mossy_cobblestone_stairs | -179 | |
mossy_stone_brick_stairs | -175 | |
movingblock | 250 | |
mule_spawn_egg | 466 | |
mushroom_stew | 260 | |
music_disc_11 | 544 | |
music_disc_13 | 534 | |
music_disc_blocks | 536 | |
music_disc_cat | 535 | |
music_disc_chirp | 537 | |
music_disc_far | 538 | |
music_disc_mall | 539 | |
music_disc_mellohi | 540 | |
music_disc_otherside | 628 | |
music_disc_pigstep | 621 | |
music_disc_stal | 541 | |
music_disc_strad | 542 | |
music_disc_wait | 545 | |
music_disc_ward | 543 | |
mutton | 550 | |
mycelium | 110 | |
mysterious_frame | -466 | |
mysterious_frame_slot | -467 | |
name_tag | 548 | |
nautilus_shell | 570 | |
nether_brick | 112 | |
nether_brick_fence | 113 | |
nether_brick_stairs | 114 | |
nether_gold_ore | -288 | |
nether_sprouts | 622 | |
nether_star | 518 | |
nether_wart | 294 | |
nether_wart_block | 214 | |
netherbrick | 523 | |
netherite_axe | 608 | |
netherite_block | -270 | |
netherite_boots | 613 | |
netherite_chestplate | 611 | |
netherite_helmet | 610 | |
netherite_hoe | 609 | |
netherite_ingot | 604 | |
netherite_leggings | 612 | |
netherite_pickaxe | 607 | |
netherite_scrap | 614 | |
netherite_shovel | 606 | |
netherite_sword | 605 | |
netherrack | 87 | |
netherreactor | 247 | |
normal_stone_stairs | -180 | |
noteblock | 25 | |
npc_spawn_egg | 470 | |
oak_boat | 375 | |
oak_sign | 358 | |
oak_stairs | 53 | |
observer | 251 | |
obsidian | 49 | |
ocelot_spawn_egg | 451 | |
ochre_froglight | -471 | |
orange_candle | -414 | |
orange_candle_cake | -431 | |
orange_dye | 409 | |
orange_glazed_terracotta | 221 | |
oxidized_copper | -343 | |
oxidized_cut_copper | -350 | |
oxidized_cut_copper_slab | -364 | |
oxidized_cut_copper_stairs | -357 | |
oxidized_double_cut_copper_slab | -371 | |
packed_ice | 174 | |
painting | 357 | |
panda_spawn_egg | 489 | |
paper | 386 | |
parrot_spawn_egg | 478 | |
pearlescent_froglight | -469 | |
phantom_membrane | 574 | |
phantom_spawn_egg | 486 | |
pig_spawn_egg | 437 | |
piglin_banner_pattern | 587 | |
piglin_brute_spawn_egg | 499 | |
piglin_spawn_egg | 497 | |
pillager_spawn_egg | 491 | |
pink_candle | -419 | |
pink_candle_cake | -436 | |
pink_dye | 404 | |
pink_glazed_terracotta | 226 | |
piston | 33 | |
pistonarmcollision | 34 | |
planks | 5 | |
podzol | 243 | |
pointed_dripstone | -308 | |
poisonous_potato | 282 | |
polar_bear_spawn_egg | 472 | |
polished_andesite_stairs | -174 | |
polished_basalt | -235 | |
polished_blackstone | -291 | |
polished_blackstone_brick_double_slab | -285 | |
polished_blackstone_brick_slab | -284 | |
polished_blackstone_brick_stairs | -275 | |
polished_blackstone_brick_wall | -278 | |
polished_blackstone_bricks | -274 | |
polished_blackstone_button | -296 | |
polished_blackstone_double_slab | -294 | |
polished_blackstone_pressure_plate | -295 | |
polished_blackstone_slab | -293 | |
polished_blackstone_stairs | -292 | |
polished_blackstone_wall | -297 | |
polished_deepslate | -383 | |
polished_deepslate_double_slab | -397 | |
polished_deepslate_slab | -384 | |
polished_deepslate_stairs | -385 | |
polished_deepslate_wall | -386 | |
polished_diorite_stairs | -173 | |
polished_granite_stairs | -172 | |
popped_chorus_fruit | 559 | |
porkchop | 262 | |
portal | 90 | |
potato | 280 | |
potatoes | 142 | |
potion | 426 | |
powder_snow | -306 | |
powder_snow_bucket | 368 | |
powered_comparator | 150 | |
powered_repeater | 94 | |
prismarine | 168 | |
prismarine_bricks_stairs | -4 | |
prismarine_crystals | 549 | |
prismarine_shard | 565 | |
prismarine_stairs | -2 | |
pufferfish | 267 | |
pufferfish_bucket | 367 | |
pufferfish_spawn_egg | 481 | |
pumpkin | 86 | |
pumpkin_pie | 284 | |
pumpkin_seeds | 292 | |
pumpkin_stem | 104 | |
purple_candle | -423 | |
purple_candle_cake | -440 | |
purple_dye | 400 | |
purple_glazed_terracotta | 219 | |
purpur_block | 201 | |
purpur_stairs | 203 | |
quartz | 524 | |
quartz_block | 155 | |
quartz_bricks | -304 | |
quartz_ore | 153 | |
quartz_stairs | 156 | |
rabbit | 288 | |
rabbit_foot | 528 | |
rabbit_hide | 529 | |
rabbit_spawn_egg | 459 | |
rabbit_stew | 290 | |
rail | 66 | |
rapid_fertilizer | 598 | |
ravager_spawn_egg | 493 | |
raw_copper | 507 | |
raw_copper_block | -452 | |
raw_gold | 506 | |
raw_gold_block | -453 | |
raw_iron | 505 | |
raw_iron_block | -451 | |
real_double_stone_slab | 43 | |
real_double_stone_slab2 | 181 | |
real_double_stone_slab3 | -167 | |
real_double_stone_slab4 | -168 | |
red_candle | -427 | |
red_candle_cake | -444 | |
red_dye | 396 | |
red_flower | 38 | |
red_glazed_terracotta | 234 | |
red_mushroom | 40 | |
red_mushroom_block | 100 | |
red_nether_brick | 215 | |
red_nether_brick_stairs | -184 | |
red_sandstone | 179 | |
red_sandstone_stairs | 180 | |
redstone | 373 | |
redstone_block | 152 | |
redstone_lamp | 123 | |
redstone_ore | 73 | |
redstone_torch | 76 | |
redstone_wire | 55 | |
repeater | 419 | |
repeating_command_block | 188 | |
reserved6 | 255 | |
respawn_anchor | -272 | |
rotten_flesh | 277 | |
saddle | 371 | |
salmon | 265 | |
salmon_bucket | 365 | |
salmon_spawn_egg | 482 | |
sand | 12 | |
sandstone | 24 | |
sandstone_stairs | 128 | |
sapling | 6 | |
scaffolding | -165 | |
sculk | -458 | |
sculk_catalyst | -460 | |
sculk_sensor | -307 | |
sculk_shrieker | -461 | |
sculk_vein | -459 | |
scute | 572 | |
sea_pickle | -156 | |
seagrass | -130 | |
sealantern | 169 | |
shears | 421 | |
sheep_spawn_egg | 438 | |
shield | 355 | |
shroomlight | -230 | |
shulker_box | 218 | |
shulker_shell | 566 | |
shulker_spawn_egg | 469 | |
silver_glazed_terracotta | 228 | |
silverfish_spawn_egg | 443 | |
skeleton_horse_spawn_egg | 467 | |
skeleton_spawn_egg | 444 | |
skull | 516 | 0 = Skeleton1 = Wither2 = Zombie3 = Steve4 = Creeper5 = Dragon |
skull_banner_pattern | 583 | |
slime | 165 | |
slime_ball | 388 | |
slime_spawn_egg | 445 | |
small_amethyst_bud | -332 | |
small_dripleaf_block | -336 | |
smithing_table | -202 | |
smoker | -198 | |
smooth_basalt | -377 | |
smooth_quartz_stairs | -185 | |
smooth_red_sandstone_stairs | -176 | |
smooth_sandstone_stairs | -177 | |
smooth_stone | -183 | |
snow | 80 | |
snow_layer | 78 | |
snowball | 374 | |
soul_campfire | 623 | |
soul_fire | -237 | |
soul_lantern | -269 | |
soul_sand | 88 | |
soul_soil | -236 | |
soul_torch | -268 | |
sparkler | 601 | |
spawn_egg | 637 | |
spider_eye | 278 | |
spider_spawn_egg | 446 | |
splash_potion | 561 | |
sponge | 19 | |
spore_blossom | -321 | |
spruce_boat | 378 | |
spruce_button | -144 | |
spruce_door | 553 | |
spruce_fence_gate | 183 | |
spruce_pressure_plate | -154 | |
spruce_sign | 576 | |
spruce_stairs | 134 | |
spruce_standing_sign | -181 | |
spruce_trapdoor | -149 | |
spruce_wall_sign | -182 | |
spyglass | 627 | |
squid_spawn_egg | 450 | |
stained_glass | 241 | |
stained_glass_pane | 160 | |
stained_hardened_clay | 159 | |
standing_banner | 176 | |
standing_sign | 63 | |
stick | 320 | |
sticky_piston | 29 | |
stickypistonarmcollision | -217 | |
stone | 1 | |
stone_axe | 315 | |
stone_brick_stairs | 109 | |
stone_button | 77 | |
stone_hoe | 330 | |
stone_pickaxe | 314 | |
stone_pressure_plate | 70 | |
stone_shovel | 313 | |
stone_stairs | 67 | |
stone_sword | 312 | |
stonebrick | 98 | |
stonecutter | 245 | |
stonecutter_block | -197 | |
stray_spawn_egg | 462 | |
strider_spawn_egg | 495 | |
string | 326 | |
stripped_acacia_log | -8 | |
stripped_birch_log | -6 | |
stripped_crimson_hyphae | -300 | |
stripped_crimson_stem | -240 | |
stripped_dark_oak_log | -9 | |
stripped_jungle_log | -7 | |
stripped_oak_log | -10 | |
stripped_spruce_log | -5 | |
stripped_warped_hyphae | -301 | |
stripped_warped_stem | -241 | |
structure_block | 252 | |
structure_void | 217 | |
sugar | 416 | |
sugar_cane | 385 | |
suspicious_stew | 590 | |
sweet_berries | 287 | |
sweet_berry_bush | -207 | |
tadpole_bucket | 631 | |
tadpole_spawn_egg | 630 | |
tallgrass | 31 | |
target | -239 | |
tinted_glass | -334 | |
tnt | 46 | |
tnt_minecart | 525 | |
torch | 50 | |
totem_of_undying | 568 | |
trapdoor | 96 | |
trapped_chest | 146 | |
trident | 546 | |
tripwire | 132 | |
tripwire_hook | 131 | |
tropical_fish | 266 | |
tropical_fish_bucket | 366 | |
tropical_fish_spawn_egg | 479 | |
tuff | -333 | |
turtle_egg | -159 | |
turtle_helmet | 573 | |
turtle_spawn_egg | 485 | |
twisting_vines | -287 | |
underwater_torch | 239 | |
undyed_shulker_box | 205 | |
unknown | -305 | |
unlit_redstone_torch | 75 | |
unpowered_comparator | 149 | |
unpowered_repeater | 93 | |
verdant_froglight | -470 | |
vex_spawn_egg | 476 | |
villager_spawn_egg | 449 | |
vindicator_spawn_egg | 474 | |
vine | 106 | |
wall_banner | 177 | |
wall_sign | 68 | |
wandering_trader_spawn_egg | 492 | |
warped_button | -261 | |
warped_door | 618 | |
warped_double_slab | -267 | |
warped_fence | -257 | |
warped_fence_gate | -259 | |
warped_fungus | -229 | |
warped_fungus_on_a_stick | 619 | |
warped_hyphae | -298 | |
warped_nylium | -233 | |
warped_planks | -243 | |
warped_pressure_plate | -263 | |
warped_roots | -224 | |
warped_sign | 616 | |
warped_slab | -265 | |
warped_stairs | -255 | |
warped_standing_sign | -251 | |
warped_stem | -226 | |
warped_trapdoor | -247 | |
warped_wall_sign | -253 | |
warped_wart_block | -227 | |
water | 9 | |
water_bucket | 362 | |
waterlily | 111 | |
waxed_copper | -344 | |
waxed_cut_copper | -351 | |
waxed_cut_copper_slab | -365 | |
waxed_cut_copper_stairs | -358 | |
waxed_double_cut_copper_slab | -372 | |
waxed_exposed_copper | -345 | |
waxed_exposed_cut_copper | -352 | |
waxed_exposed_cut_copper_slab | -366 | |
waxed_exposed_cut_copper_stairs | -359 | |
waxed_exposed_double_cut_copper_slab | -373 | |
waxed_oxidized_copper | -446 | |
waxed_oxidized_cut_copper | -447 | |
waxed_oxidized_cut_copper_slab | -449 | |
waxed_oxidized_cut_copper_stairs | -448 | |
waxed_oxidized_double_cut_copper_slab | -450 | |
waxed_weathered_copper | -346 | |
waxed_weathered_cut_copper | -353 | |
waxed_weathered_cut_copper_slab | -367 | |
waxed_weathered_cut_copper_stairs | -360 | |
waxed_weathered_double_cut_copper_slab | -374 | |
weathered_copper | -342 | |
weathered_cut_copper | -349 | |
weathered_cut_copper_slab | -363 | |
weathered_cut_copper_stairs | -356 | |
weathered_double_cut_copper_slab | -370 | |
web | 30 | |
weeping_vines | -231 | |
wheat | 334 | |
wheat_seeds | 291 | |
white_candle | -413 | |
white_candle_cake | -430 | |
white_dye | 410 | |
white_glazed_terracotta | 220 | |
witch_spawn_egg | 452 | |
wither_rose | -216 | |
wither_skeleton_spawn_egg | 464 | |
wolf_spawn_egg | 439 | |
wood | -212 | |
wooden_axe | 311 | |
wooden_button | 143 | |
wooden_door | 359 | |
wooden_hoe | 329 | |
wooden_pickaxe | 310 | |
wooden_pressure_plate | 72 | |
wooden_shovel | 309 | |
wooden_slab | 158 | |
wooden_sword | 308 | |
wool | 35 | |
writable_book | 510 | |
written_book | 511 | |
yellow_candle | -417 | |
yellow_candle_cake | -434 | |
yellow_dye | 406 | |
yellow_flower | 37 | |
yellow_glazed_terracotta | 224 | |
zoglin_spawn_egg | 498 | |
zombie_horse_spawn_egg | 468 | |
zombie_pigman_spawn_egg | 448 | |
zombie_spawn_egg | 447 | |
zombie_villager_spawn_egg | 477 |
The manifest file contains all the basic information about the pack that Minecraft needs to identify it. The tables below contain all the components of the manifest, their individual properties, and what they mean.Name | Description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
capabilities | These are the different features that the pack makes use of that aren't necessarily enabled by default.
dependencies | This section describes the packs that this pack depends on in order to work. Any packs defined here will be automatically added to the world when this one is added if they are present, or an error will be shown if they aren't. Each entry has the following parameters:
format_version | This defines the current version of the manifest. Don't change this unless you have a good reason to | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
header | This is the heading of the manifest and is required for the manifest to be valid.
metadata | This section contains additional data about your pack and is otherwise optional.
modules | This section describes the modules that comprise the pack. Each entry here defines one of the kinds of contents of the pack.